307: John Hill on The Steebee Weebee Show

The Steebee Weebee Show - A podcast by The Steebee Weebee Show

John Hill join The Steebee Weebee Show for the 1st time!!! We talk about: him growing up in South Carolina, how he used to "zone out" in class, how Tony Hawk Pro Skater(video game) got him into skateboarding, landing his first "kickflip", how he got the attention of Birdhouse Skateboards, his obsessive tendencies into learning tricks, Johnny Harris's-NO SHAMPOO videos, the "cliqueness" within skateboarding circles, how John started his own YouTube channel-amassing 1 million subscribers, his decision to move to California, the Sony a7S III camera-being in the price range of $3,500 ,why young Japanese skateboarders are the best, how Steve made it into an Emma Chamberlain VLOG, and much more !!!!Go to: https://www.youtube.com/steebeeweebee to watch. More: John https://www.instagram.com/johnhill Scissor Bros YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/scissorbros ** Now on iTunes:  https://goo.gl/CdSwyV ** Subscribe: https://goo.gl/d239PO Little Ray promises a Karma Boost if you join our Patreon: https://goo.gl/aiOi7J Or, click here for a one time Karma Boost. https://www.paypal.me/steebeeweebeeshow/2 More Steven: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/quangou Bandcamp: https://steebeeweebee.bandcamp.com/ Itunes: https://goo.gl/PSooa0 Send stuff to: 1425 N. Cherokee Ave P.O. Box 1391 Los Angeles, CA 90093

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