Spring Cleaning Your Finances (plus Ally & Dr. Ted Klontz)

The Stacking Benjamins Show - A podcast by StackingBenjamins.com | Cumulus Podcast Network


Since you're most probably stuck at home and "social distancing" yourself, now's a great time for a lighthearted discussion about spring cleaning your financial picture. Everything else in life right now seems pretty heavy, so today we'll keep it light with three people who know a thing or two about great money moves. Joining us today from Paychecks and Balances, we'll welcome Marcus Garrett, from the Afford Anything podcast, we'll say hello to Paula Pant, and finally, from Len Penzo dot com, its our favorite house keeper Alice from The Brady Bunch! ...while that would be fun, today it's just gonna be Len Penzo. While you're cleaning up your money, raising your savings rate is a great place to start (or at least trying to stop your savings from deteriorating...). SO today Joe will be chat about behavioral finance with expert Dr. Ted Klontz and Emily Shallal from Ally Bank. Dr. Ted Klontz lets us know that our ancestors did not hoard their money or even their toilet paper...#shocking. Surprisingly, he says our brains are wired differently, and Emily Shallal from Ally tells us how they've used similar studies to create new product features that'll trick our brains into saving. And finally, during our Magnify Money segment, we'll talk to a Stacker named Joe about whether he should contribute to his retirement or save for a house. As always, of course we'll quiz our contributors with Joe's Mom's neighbor Doug's amazing trivia. We're talking omelettes on today's show (of course!). Mom hopes you're all safe and washing your hands! Enjoy the show. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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