Molly Worthen: A Historian Converts || SLP501

Glen Scrivener from Speak Life interviews Molly Worthen about her conversion to Christianity. Molly Worthen is a journalist and associate professor of history at the University of North Carolina. She is a regular contributor to publications like the New York Times, The Atlantic and The New Yorker. She's also a recent adult convert to Christianity who’s found faith in the last place she expected: A Southern Baptist Mega Church.The Way Back is a series of interviews lighting the path back to faith. Christian author and filmmaker Glen Scrivener is speaking to a range of Christians and non-Christians about the current meaning crisis, and what we have lost in walking away from the Jesus story. In a post-Christian age, is there a way back?See 321: to the Speak Life YouTube channel for videos which see all of life with Jesus at the to the Reformed Mythologist YouTube channel to explore how the stories we love point to the greatest story of is an online platform where you can interact with the Speak Life team and other Speak Life supporters. There’s bonus content, creative/theological discussion and lots of fun. Join our Discord the show: [email protected] Life is a UK based charity that resources the church to reach the world.Learn more about us the show

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Seeing all of life with Jesus at the centre. Encouraging apologetics and evangelism to speak life to a needy world.