What Decentralized Credit Means for Emerging Markets w/ Thomas Bohner

Private credit in emerging markets like Latin America generally lacks modern infrastructure. According to Thomas Bohner (Credix), blockchain is the perfect technology to bring these markets into the future. With a company like Credix, investors and borrowers are able to leverage smart contracts for things like instant settlement and frictionless cross-border transactions, all while operating within legally compliant frameworks. In this episode, Austin and Thomas discuss Credix's model and the broader implications of DeFi 2.0 projects, many of which heavily rely on off-chain components.

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When it comes to blockchain, the thing people talk about most — the price — is actually the least interesting part. Crypto conversations are too often about who’s up and who’s down, what to buy and what to sell, and today’s drama on Twitter. Most conversations about crypto miss how it’s going to change ... everything. On VALIDATED, we’ll be talking to the people who are rethinking the internet — and our world. No hype cycles. No financial advice. Just conversations on the biggest ideas shaping the future of the internet. Web3 is complicated, but never boring.