A problem for every solution

The Small & Supercharged Podcast - A podcast by Rhea Freeman


No, that wasn't a typo. Today we're talking about the ability to find a problem to every solution, how you can identify this unhelpful behaviour, and how it's limiting you and your own growth. A little while ago, I had a random chat with someone who had this way of operating. They explained their issues, I asked questions and they generated ideas that would have be helpful in overcoming the issues - and every time an excuse appeared as to why they wouldn't be able to do this. At the same time, they explained how the current situation was neither productive or sustainable. It puzzled me. From looking from the outside in, the solutions were obvious, easy and do-able, but to them, nothing was. They were in a problem focussed mindset, not a solution focused one.  We can all stray into this way of thinking from time to time, but when we identify it, we can take positive steps, have a quiet word with ourselves, and challenge a different way of thinking. Hopefully this podcast will help you if you identify yourself in any of the above!

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