5 underrated superpowers in business and life

Superpowers aren't just reserved for superheroes, far from it, we have superpowers (things we can do better than others- that's my definition anyway!) and we can even develop them if we put the work in. When we look at people's attributes/qualifications/achievements/skills, some seem to shine brighter than others. These are often ones that it's easier to quantify, but actually, I think the game changing superpowers are a whole lot more subtle. And that's what I am talking about today- five underrated superpowers that can do so much. The thing is, these superpowers can be honed and developed when self awareness is present. They can move talented people to the next level, leave a lasting impression (for the right reasons) and open the door to so many opportunities. We all have access to these and many others, and yet, only a fraction of people are aware of what they can do. Put on your metaphorical skin-tight superhero outfits and let's talk superpowers.

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Do you want to promote your small business better? Are you an influencer looking to be sponsored or to become a brand ambassador? Are you a business or influencer looking to nail your social media? Work with magazines? Feature on websites? Understand the value of photography, PR, content marketing, and so much more in your business? You've come to the right place. Each week, social media and marketing expert Rhea Freeman shares tips, tricks, new developments, real life experiences and proven strategies to help you promote your business, brand or self better. As a social media consultant with years of PR, marketing, content and social media experience in the equestrian and country industry, Rhea shares her tried and tested strategies that you can implement NOW and make a difference to what you're doing. And there's a special guest every other week too giving a different perspective and their top tips.