#012 - Why Are We Here?

The following podcast is a précis of extracts from common themes in all the major religions of the world.  It is an extract from every major discipline connected to human activity such as psychology and psychoanalysis. It is not a religious text designed to do anything other than inform.  It's probably the best answer I have come across when I get asked the question: "Why Are We Here?" meaning, on planet earth and my only agenda is to make you aware of its existence.  If you're anything like me when I first read it, you may not fully understand it after one, two or even three listens but that’s ok.   If you think it’s complete rubbish, set it aside and read it again in five years time.   There will be a time when it will make complete sense to you.  If you’ve recently suffered a bereavement in the family it may offer you some comfort. It seems to me the best answer yet to the question “Why are we here” But what do I know? What I do know is that information such as this helps to grow your consciousness and intelligence and just listening makes you that 1% better today than you were yesterday...and that..after all is what The Skill Stack is all about.

Om Podcasten

The speed of change in the world is getting faster. You need new Skills to keep up. Every new skill you acquire doubles your odds of success. Your value to the world grows through just 1% marginal gains, through compounding and the Entourage effect You just need to improve by 1% in specific skills to be in the top 20%. If you’re in the top 20% in a number of skills that go well together, you will end up with enough skills, stacked in such a way that you will be sought out by others and as a result you will have more confidence, be happier, healthier and earn more money.