Part 2: Creating High Converting Webinars

Ever been ghosted by a webinar attendee?   You know the feeling. Someone turns up, is super engaged, emails you after to tell you how much they LOVVEDDD your webinar, and by this stage, you've already envisioned the next 12 months working with them. Let’s be real, you're daydreaming about which cocktail you'll first order with them at your first student beachside retreat, but then.....   ...NADA ...ZILCH ...RADIO SILENCE!   You're left pondering….Was there something in my teeth? Did I not provide enough value? Should I have done cartwheels?    If you've ever felt like this, I'm here to tell you… it's not you. However, it could have been your webinar content. You might be thinking, "Ummm, Salome, I literally gave out like 3 modules of the most game-changing, insanely valuable information for FREE in my webinar. Do they not understand what that's worth? It was packed with value. How. On. Earth. Did It. Not. Convert?"   Sound familiar?   You’re in the right spot. This week is part two of the High Converting Webinar mini-series and we are tackling content!    When it comes to creating webinar content, there is a formula to turn those viewers into raving students; and in this week's episode, I reveal step-by-step what you need to include to have your audience sitting on the edge of their seats, credit cards in hands, just waiting in anticipation to sign up!    Tune in to discover: How to choose an unmissable title that commands your dream audience's attention. Selecting the 3-5 things you're going to teach in the webinar that leaves them wanting more. The secrets to building a roadmap showing how you are undoubtedly the best person to take your audience from where they are to where they want to be. How to 'inspire' your audience to buy your course, rather than 'teaching' the facts.   PLUS so much more!   Let's banish the webinar ghosting for good and get your audience converting like CRAZY! If you haven't done so already, tune in to part 1: episode 128 and get up to speed before listening this week.     XXX Salome   P.S Finding this mini-series helpful? I would love you to send this episode to someone who is in the process of creating a webinar! Either on Instagram, Facebook or send this email straight to them. They will love you for it ;-)…and so will I!

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Discover top tips & practical advice for building a wildly profitable business sharing your ideas and knowledge with the world. Get the online marketing, advertising, and business strategies you need, all wrapped up with a healthy dose of inspiration and fun. After 10 years of being the advertising secret sauce to the who’s-who of the online courses industry, your host Salome Shillack reveals what it really takes to turn your ideas into a thriving online business. Salome shares all the insights she wishes she had when she was juggling a job, a side hustle, and raising two kids. Tune in and expect to learn and laugh with Salome as she helps you turn your knowledge into a profitable online product that can impact millions. Ready to build a business that offers you complete freedom? This is your podcast!