95. How to Calm Mental Noise Using Meditation and Mindfulness with Katie Krimitsos

3 podcasts.  30 episodes.  5 million network downloads.  Every single month. That’s the power of meditation that Katie Krimitsos decided to share with the world when she shut down her thriving coaching business to move into creating meditations for women full-time.  A lifelong practitioner of meditation, Katie, in her own words, wants to be the “Amazon store” for women and meditation. And, with 30 original sessions every month, she’s already trailblazing her path to success! Katie believes that there’s no such thing as “perfect” meditation. She doesn’t think it requires us to sit cross-legged and remain perfectly still.  Instead, she sees meditation as a tool to help us manage our thoughts, become aware of them and practice letting them go.  She believes that meditation can help us separate the ‘noise’ in our heads from the ‘voice’ that whispers to our souls. Katie sees this as a deeply empowering experience for women — it helps them shut out the ‘shoulds’ that society forces upon them and finally connect to their real selves. In today’s episode, Katie and I chat about the value of practicing meditation and the many, many benefits of living a mindful life (with a little incident about how being mindful saved me from a terrible car accident). Katie also provides some super simple but very effective tips for entrepreneurs looking to take the first step into mindfulness and meditation. If that’s something you’ve been looking into for a while (but keep putting off!), give this episode a listen now!   Links mentioned in this episode: Follow me on Instagram: instagram.com/salome.schillack How to Navigate iOS Changes To Minimize Disruption to Your Facebook Ad Campaigns Katie's: https://womensmeditationnetwork.com/sleeppodcast/ https://womensmeditationnetwork.com/podcast/ https://womensmeditationnetwork.com/morningpodcast/

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