94. Courses or Memberships? Which One To Choose and When

It’s the smackdown you’ve all been waiting for! In today’s episode, I try my best to answer the question that’s plagued every entrepreneur in the online space for decades: Should I launch a course or a membership? Now, I’ve been on both sides of the tennis court. I’ve launched a course (‘A Lister’) and a membership (‘The Launch Lounge’) and I have many thoughts on which one of them I’d choose and why.  So, in today’s episode of The Shine Show, I take you through my own experiences trying to pick between the two, the fundamental difference between a course and a membership (hint: it has something to do with the body of knowledge at play), and 5 questions you should be asking yourself when you want to choose either one for your next launch.  When you’re done listening to this episode, I hope you have some clarity and can confidently choose between a launch and a membership for the future of your business! Listen to the episode now and send me a DM on Instagram (@salome.schillack) to tell me who wins the launch vs membership smackdown in your books and what you’re going to implement in the future. I LOVE listening to your ideas! 

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Discover top tips & practical advice for building a wildly profitable business sharing your ideas and knowledge with the world. Get the online marketing, advertising, and business strategies you need, all wrapped up with a healthy dose of inspiration and fun. After 10 years of being the advertising secret sauce to the who’s-who of the online courses industry, your host Salome Shillack reveals what it really takes to turn your ideas into a thriving online business. Salome shares all the insights she wishes she had when she was juggling a job, a side hustle, and raising two kids. Tune in and expect to learn and laugh with Salome as she helps you turn your knowledge into a profitable online product that can impact millions. Ready to build a business that offers you complete freedom? This is your podcast!