93. Launch Debrief: Our Recent A-Lister Launch Unpacked

The Launch Lounge Podcast - A podcast by Salome Schillack


In my career, there are a few people that I remain forever grateful to.  And one of them is Denise Duffield Thomas.  Back when launches were shrouded in secrecy, Denise pulled the curtain back and broke down every gory detail of one of her launches on her blog.   And past-Salome saved that post and read it hundreds of times.  Why? Because it was the first time I actually saw someone in the industry take us through the good, bad, and ugly of a launch step-by-step. It helped me get comfortable with the idea of launching more, gave me insight into the shoulds and should nots, and was a huge breath of fresh air.  So today, I’m hoping to pass that on! In today’s episode of The Shine Show, I’m pulling the curtain back myself and taking you through my recent A-Lister launch! Get ready for all the juicy secrets, including what went right (I might get a little braggadocious in this one), what went wrong, and most importantly, what I’d do differently next time (because there will be a next time!).  I’m hoping this episode can help you gain some confidence in launching yourself and also give you some ideas on how to go about your next launch! Listen to the episode now and don’t forget to send me a DM on Instagram (@salome.schillack) to tell me your #1 takeaway from this episode and what you’ll be incorporating in your own launch. 

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