92. Ingredients of The Perfect Launch with Louise Griffiths

If you think you know everything there is to know about launches, you’ve got another thing coming. Before Louise Griffiths (an expert launch manager and my guest on today’s episode of The Shine Show) came in to help me out with my A-Lister launch, I didn’t even know just how much I was missing out on! Louise is the magical unicorn behind some of the best launches you’ve ever seen.  The owner of ‘Left Brained Online Marketing’, Louise offers strategic launch and marketing services to creators and entrepreneurs in the online education industry. She’s the left-brained data, tech and project planning partner to her right-brained clients (yours truly included!) who need some help with syncing all the different parts of a launch together to make it as seamless and perfect as it can be. On today’s episode, Louise is going to be busting some common misconceptions around launches AND giving us a bajillion tips on all the things that we tend to slip up on before, during and after a launch.  So, if you’re a business owner who’s...  Just starting out in the launch space Already a few launches in and aiming for that that 5-figure target Planning your next 6-figure launch … hop in right now, because Louise has got something for everyone! TL;DR: This episode is a treasure trove for anyone looking to scale their next launch. If that sounds like you, grab your airpods and start listening now!

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