75. 5 Numbers That Tell You Your Ads Are Working

The Launch Lounge Podcast - A podcast by Salome Schillack


I have this little knack for reading people's minds when it comes to a very particular subject: Facebook ads.

I'll read yours right now, through the screen. Ready? 

If I say to you, "Put money into your Facebook ads campaigns to grow your audience and sell to them effectively." I BET you're thinking...

"Sure, I would, IF I knew that it was going to work."

And you're smart for thinking that way. Because why sink so much money into something if it's just making you feel like a crazy person throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks?

Nope! None of that here. Now if I say to you, "What if I could tell you exactly what you needed to know to tell if your Facebook ads were working?"

Then I bet you'd be thinking, "YES PLEASE!"

Here you go. Tune in to today's episode to learn the 5 numbers that tell you if your ads are working. If you're an online marketer about to dive into Facebook ads with both feet, you need to listen to this episode so you know how to do it successfully.

Once you've listened, be sure to send me a message on Facebook or Instagram with what you think of the episode and leave me a review wherever you get your podcasts.

Links I mentioned in today's episode: 


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