55. How To Uncover Your Ideal Customer's Hidden Needs With Zafira Rajan

The Launch Lounge Podcast - A podcast by Salome Schillack


Today on the podcast I’m speaking to the lovely Zafira Rajan. 

In her own beautiful words, Zafira is “a strategic launch copywriter and soulful strategist committed to helping coaches and course creators build, grow and scale a meaningful digital empire by wielding the power of their personality and intuition to tell stories only they know how.”

Zafira has an incredible way of speaking, sharing, and listening to really hear what someone is saying. She helped me to massively increase my prices and make a much bigger profit because she was able to help me truly uncover who my ideal customer is and how I can best serve them.

Listen to today’s episode to discover how to reveal your customer’s hidden needs so you can create more successful ad campaigns, launch with more confidence, and convert your ideal students with ease.

Snap a photo of what you’re doing when you’re listening and share it to me on Instagram by tagging @salome.schillack so I can share it with my people! 

Links I mentioned on today’s episode:

Zafira’s website: www.zafirarajan.com/

@Zafira.Rajan instagram: www.instagram.com/zafira.rajan/

@Salome.Schillack on Instagram: instagram.com/salome.schillack

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