50. What’s Working Well During COVID-19

The Launch Lounge Podcast - A podcast by Salome Schillack


Many things are challenging right now, but thankfully advertising your online course on Facebook and Instagram is not one of them.

Facebook and Instagram ads are doing particularly well for all of us selling online education. This opportunity means that it’s easier than ever to get started with Facebook ads and to gain traction with your online course sales.

If you’re like me, you believe that the rising tide lifts all of the boats. Right now it’s up to us to lift the economy by taking hold of this opportunity and advertising at lower costs than usual so we can reach more and more people.

In today’s episode you’ll learn why Facebook and Instagram ads are working so well right now, the best way to use ads to get in front of more people, and the offers you can make that will work best at this time.

Happy listening! As you listen today, take a photo of where you’re listening and share it on Instagram so I can see where you are and share your lightbulb moments with other listeners. You can tag me in your stories @salome.schillack.

Stay safe!

Links mentioned in this episode:

30 Days Of Ads In April



Facebook Ad Library





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