23. Get Bigger And Better Results: 7 Ways To Improve Your Ad Results

The Launch Lounge Podcast - A podcast by Salome Schillack


Welcome to day 4 of 30 Days of Ads In April. 

Have you ever felt like you know your ads can perform better, you just don’t know how to improve the results you’re seeing?

Or maybe you keep getting disapprovals on your ads when you know for sure that you are abiding by the ads policy. 

Every time we sing up a new client in the agency we take them through a very thorough account audit.

We do this so that we can clean anything up that may be contributing to what we call bad account “mojo”. 

Account “mojo” is real and when you take a few simple steps to ensure that you are doing all the big and very small things Facebook likes us to do then you will experience smooth sailing with your ads every time!!

Listen to today’s episode and learn how to perform your very own account audit so that you can keep your account clean and maintain a really groovy mojo!!!

You can download the DIY Account Audit document by going to www.shineandsucceed.com/adsinapril4

Let me know in the comments what you discover when you’ve completed your own account audit.

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