147. Successfully Navigating The Ups And Down of Starting An Online Business with Fiona Berry

“Is all my hard work even worth it, or am I on a one-way road to nowhere?”    Launching an online course isn't an easy ride. In fact, it's the total opposite. It's a bumpy ride full of iOS potholes, failed lead magnet detours, wrong tech turns, you name it.   My friend, it’s time to pull over, take a breather, and tune in to The Shine Show because this week, you'll meet Fiona Berry, one of my incredibly inspiring students whose hard work has paid off….MASSIVELY!    But her journey has not been a smooth drive. Once upon a pre-pandemic time, Fiona had the dream life. As a music examiner for Trinity College, she traveled the world, stayed in beautiful hotels, and listened to beautiful music until Covid.   Overnight, her work dried up!   Like any well trained musical professional, she knew the show must go on. Determined to crisis-proof her love for working with music, Fiona put her entrepreneurial thinking cap on and began a Facebook group to help adults learn instruments with ease.    And it worked! One thing led to another, and Fiona began a membership, wrote a book, made some great lead magnets, and after a long journey of testing, trialling, u-turning....all the pieces of her online business are now finely tuned.   But this didn't happen overnight. Fiona is one of the hardest working students I've ever met. She turns up to every call (even when it means a 2 am wrap up in the UK). She brings questions, she tweaks, she tests, she bounces back when things don't work.   Slowly but surely, it has paid off!   And the same can happen for you too.   If you're struggling to get your online business off the ground, today's episode is the boost of encouragement you need. Pull over, take a breather, grab a cuppa and tune in here.   P.S The solo drive to launching an online course can be pretty lonely, especially when you hit a bumpy part in the road. Joining a supportive community can be the make or break of reaching your destination. A-Lister is opening its doors again very soon. If you're ready to find your dream audience faster and make that first sale sooner, A-Lister is the place to be. Join the waitlist, and you'll receive some juicy bonuses when doors open. Secure your place here -  www.shineandsucceed/waitlist. 

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Discover top tips & practical advice for building a wildly profitable business sharing your ideas and knowledge with the world. Get the online marketing, advertising, and business strategies you need, all wrapped up with a healthy dose of inspiration and fun. After 10 years of being the advertising secret sauce to the who’s-who of the online courses industry, your host Salome Shillack reveals what it really takes to turn your ideas into a thriving online business. Salome shares all the insights she wishes she had when she was juggling a job, a side hustle, and raising two kids. Tune in and expect to learn and laugh with Salome as she helps you turn your knowledge into a profitable online product that can impact millions. Ready to build a business that offers you complete freedom? This is your podcast!