145. Using Social Media To Do Good In The World with Rebecca Czapnik

Got a love-hate relationship with social media?  Even though it's given us all this amazing opportunity to connect with others, there is a dark side we need to address. It’s no secret there is alotta rubbish floating around our feeds that can fuel feelings of unworthiness, FOMO, isolation, and anxiety.  The average person spends around 2 hours per day scrolling, posting, reading, consuming, so it's inevitable that the negativity out there will seep in along the way. But there is something you can do! You're here, hanging out with me because you have some magic to bring to the world in the form of your online course. You're here to make people's lives better. One of the most powerful things you can do is to put your message out there into the world through social media and contribute more good to a platform that can be very dark. That idea niggling in the back of your mind didn't end up with you by accident. Your ad or post or story could be the very bit of light that breaks up the toxic content and gives someone hope!  We need you here.  We need your positive content.  We need your light.   This week on The Shine Show, one of my world-changing students, Rebecca, shares how she harnessed the power of social media and is using it to make the world a better place. Rebecca is a water practitioner and creates a beautiful space for people to experience the amazing healing benefits water can bring. It can be a place to explore your emotional world and the deep yearnings of your heart.  Amazing, right? Hello, Covid. Like many of us, Rebecca quickly realized in 2020 her water-based healing business which required a pool and face-to-face contact, wasn't classified as “essential”. Cue everyone's favorite P-word. Pivot.  But how on earth do you take a business based in water to a cyber platform where pools don't exist? You'll have to tune in and hear the story for yourself. Be encouraged that your idea can go way further than you could ever imagine through the power of the internet. I hope Rebecca's story inspires you to pursue your idea with passion and realize it's part of something SOO much bigger than yourself.  XXX Salome   P.S. Ready to ramp up your impact and spread positivity to thousands of people around the world? You’ve got the world changing idea, I’ve got the strategy to get your message seen by many. The doors to A-Lister are about to open! This is the perfect place for you to connect with dream students and build an audience of people who love what you have to offer (and dare I say…need it more than ever). Join the waitlist now and you’ll score some incredible bonuses. Secure your spot here.

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Discover top tips & practical advice for building a wildly profitable business sharing your ideas and knowledge with the world. Get the online marketing, advertising, and business strategies you need, all wrapped up with a healthy dose of inspiration and fun. After 10 years of being the advertising secret sauce to the who’s-who of the online courses industry, your host Salome Shillack reveals what it really takes to turn your ideas into a thriving online business. Salome shares all the insights she wishes she had when she was juggling a job, a side hustle, and raising two kids. Tune in and expect to learn and laugh with Salome as she helps you turn your knowledge into a profitable online product that can impact millions. Ready to build a business that offers you complete freedom? This is your podcast!