140. Rookie Mistakes New List Builders Make and What To Do Instead

Could these rookie errors be costing you big? It’s time to get your list building ducks in a row.   I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 2022. Huge, mind-blowing, exponentially big things are about to happen in the online course world this year. Forbes is estimating the online course world will be worth over $350 billion by 2025….. that's just 3 years away, meaning the industry is about to EX-PL-ODE.    And what makes me even more excited is that you're here, with your world-changing idea, ready to be part of the enormous boom that we're going to see.   But first things first, let’s get your list building right!   If you've been hanging around me for a while now, you know the key to your online success lies in how fast you can build an engaged audience full of raving fans who want to purchase from you. And you would also probably know my favorite way of building an engaged audience is through Facebook Ads.   Time and time again, I see the same rookie errors causing precious ad spend money to go down the drain. That's why on today's episode of The Shine Show, we're going to set you up for a HUGE 2022 by running through the most common mistakes when it comes to list building…..and it's not what you think!   If you've unknowingly made some of these common list-building boo-boos, don't fret! These list-building faux pas have personally victimized even the most established online course creators out there (myself included).    Tune in now to discover how to avoid the rookie mistakes and what to do instead so you can grow your list faster, find your people sooner, and claim your piece of the online course success pie!     XXX   Salome P.S Want to take your list building to the next level and learn how to start making your ad spend moolah back from day one? A-Lister is opening its doors in March. Fresh new content, exciting new opportunities, and juicy BONUSES for everyone on the waitlist. Places are limited, so get in quick! Join the waitlist here and be first in the know. 

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How do I make money online? How do I quit my job and work from home? How do I launch a profitable online course? How do I use Facebook and Instagram ads to grow a business around the needs of my family? How do I scale my online business with Facebook ads? Welcome to The Shine Show, where your host, Salome Schillack will give you the inspiration, the strategies and all the "here's what's working now" you need to start, grow and scale your online business. Week after week you'll get episodes that will help you increase your reach, launch your online courses and grow your business predictably and profitably so that you can create more freedom and more wealth for you and your family. Ready to make an even bigger impact in the world? Hit subscribe and start listening now.