14. How I Overcame My Imposter Syndrome

The Launch Lounge Podcast - A podcast by Salome Schillack


During the first 3 years of running my own business, I suffered from debilitating imposter syndrome. I was so far outside my comfort zone that some days I had no idea how I will ever feel confident in my own ability to add value to anyone. 

I hit rock bottom when, after 3 years, my business was still failing and I had to go back to my day job. 

Then I discovered a few secrets that I want to share with you today. 

In today’s episode, I will share with you 

  • how gratitude turned it all around for me
  • How seeking out others’ opinions helped me see that I did have value to add
  • The understanding that things most take practice to get good at them and giving myself the grace to learn made all the difference.

Join me on the show if you’re ready to shake off imposter syndrome now and forever!

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