135. 2022 Predictions: Changes You Need To Prepare For

We’ve ALMOST made it. Can you believe it? Who else is ready to put 2021 to bed and get right into the new year?   It's no secret; the Facebook Ads space is a constantly moving beast with changes being thrown left, right, and center. If only we had a crystal ball to show us what to expect next.    I haven't found a crystal ball yet, but I have the next best thing!    Let's kickstart 2022 with the biggest compilation of advice that's actually going to take us all to unbelievable places. So this week on The Shine Show, I'm joined by my A-Team marketing experts.     The women you'll hear from today are the best in the biz when it comes to Facebook Ads, and today they take a deep dive into what we can all expect to happen in 2022.    Some changes will make you jump for joy, and others will make you want to pull your hair out. Either way, it's time to prepare for what's to come.    Today you'll hear from Ads Manager & data analytics specialist Hana. Our resident Launch Strategist & Chief Marketing Officer, Louise. Facebook Ads Specialist, Amy, and Facebook Ads Specialist & Funnel builder, Caroline.    From SMS marketing to more *exciting* iOS changes to the creative direction of ads. We chat through it all and discuss how to prepare best and take advantage of the changes coming our way.   Tune in and discover where you're going to get the best bang for your marketing buck, how to build clever funnels, and set your business up in such a way so you can grow consistently and set your ads up profitably!   XXX Salome   P.S Find me on Instagram and let me know if these predictions have changed the way you're going to do things in 2022.

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How do I make money online? How do I quit my job and work from home? How do I launch a profitable online course? How do I use Facebook and Instagram ads to grow a business around the needs of my family? How do I scale my online business with Facebook ads? Welcome to The Shine Show, where your host, Salome Schillack will give you the inspiration, the strategies and all the "here's what's working now" you need to start, grow and scale your online business. Week after week you'll get episodes that will help you increase your reach, launch your online courses and grow your business predictably and profitably so that you can create more freedom and more wealth for you and your family. Ready to make an even bigger impact in the world? Hit subscribe and start listening now.