128. Part 1: Creating High Converting Webinars

SURPRISE! 3-part mini series coming your way. If you’re creating a webinar, either right now or in the near future,  you literally cannot afford to miss this! (Spoiler alert: it has nothing to do with giving away all your best content for free).   I remember putting together my very first webinar. I assumed the magic trick was to load in as much information as possible, make my viewers feel like they had hit the webinar jackpot, to then naturally buy EVERYTHING I had on offer, turning me into a bazillionaire overnight.   Simple right?   The EXACT opposite happened. It fell flat, and I was teaching my super valuable content for free!    I've dried up many, many, many wobbly webinar tears from course creators who poured their heart and soul into a webinar that didn't convert, and it breaks my heart!   From the good, the bad, and the downright ugly, I’ve seen it all when it comes to creating high converting webinars, and I've finally cracked the webinar converting code which I know many of you have been asking for.   We're all friends here, so truthfully, I CEEBS putting together a new course right now. But I would never leave you high and dry.   So, I've done the next best thing and created a 3 part mini-series podcast teaching you all I've learned about building high converting webinars that sell like crazy!   By the end of this three-part series, you'll have the framework to craft a compelling webinar that has your audience on the edge of their seats, credit card in hand, KEEN AS MUSTARD to buy from you!   Tune into The Shine Show for part one of this very special webinar series, and join me as I crack open the can of webinar worms and let you in on all the tips and tricks (and everything I wish I knew when first starting out) that will take your next webinar from flop to fab. Next week, we'll tackle exactly what content to include that will leave your audience saying, "OMG, that was A-MA-ZING. I can't wait to learn more."   XXX Salome   P.S Did you find today's episode helpful? I LOVE LOVE LOVE hearing your feedback! Jump over to my Instagram (@salome.schillack) and let me know what your biggest takeaway was from part one!

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Discover top tips & practical advice for building a wildly profitable business sharing your ideas and knowledge with the world. Get the online marketing, advertising, and business strategies you need, all wrapped up with a healthy dose of inspiration and fun. After 10 years of being the advertising secret sauce to the who’s-who of the online courses industry, your host Salome Shillack reveals what it really takes to turn your ideas into a thriving online business. Salome shares all the insights she wishes she had when she was juggling a job, a side hustle, and raising two kids. Tune in and expect to learn and laugh with Salome as she helps you turn your knowledge into a profitable online product that can impact millions. Ready to build a business that offers you complete freedom? This is your podcast!