120. Build Your List Faster with Lead Ads

We just stumbled across a loop in the Ads Matrix!  You might have been wondering what the heck is going on with conversion ads! Does it feel like overnight, the cost per lead has gazillion-upled? Surprisingly, Zuckerberg isn’t the one causing havoc behind the scene this time. It’s a result of some new iOS changes that have really just thrown a spanner in the works!  In a nutshell, the changes have allowed people the option to ‘opt-out’ of tracking, causing your Facebook pixel to go blind, making it more difficult (and pricey) for you to end up in your ideal customer’s line of sight!  But they've also opened up a glistening door of opportunity that leads to, well….LEADS! And here's the best part…..It has never been cheaper or faster to build your email list!  Cue: Lead Generation Ads! Want to get in on the list building ‘gold rush’ for yourself?  I've got you covered! Tune in to this week's Shine Show episode, where I spill all the tea from what's working right now, what's not, and how you can set up a lead generation ad that will fill your email list up with hot, hot leads while saving you a bunch of cashola along the way! Click here to tune into this week's episode of The Shine Show.

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How do I make money online? How do I quit my job and work from home? How do I launch a profitable online course? How do I use Facebook and Instagram ads to grow a business around the needs of my family? How do I scale my online business with Facebook ads? Welcome to The Shine Show, where your host, Salome Schillack will give you the inspiration, the strategies and all the "here's what's working now" you need to start, grow and scale your online business. Week after week you'll get episodes that will help you increase your reach, launch your online courses and grow your business predictably and profitably so that you can create more freedom and more wealth for you and your family. Ready to make an even bigger impact in the world? Hit subscribe and start listening now.