117. Facebook Ads and IOS Update: What's Working Now

Well, well, well…..Zuckerberg is at it again with IOS changes! You may have noticed; some serious stuff is going down!   Breathe! It's going to be ok!   Zuckerberg works hard, but Team Shine & Succeed works harder, so in today's episode of The Shine Show, I'll be sharing a rundown of the good, the bad, and the downright unlikeable IOS changes.    My fabulous Facebook Ads A-team, Caroline & Hannah, have put together a summary of all the changes you can expect to see due to the new IOS, how you can mitigate the risk, take advantage of the recent changes, and get back to living your best online course creator life. I'll share everything with you on this week's episode!   Tune in to discover:   The top-secret whispers we've heard about the future of Facebook & IOS (that Zuckerberg would rather you not know) Why your competitor's ads are actually are helping you with conversion API The broken bits of the system that need to be addressed The type of ads which will be more effective at this time New and exciting changes which you can use to your advantage Why some evergreen funnels & self-liquidating offers are suddenly absolutely tanking How to navigate the changes as a new or low spend ad account Why it's even more important to start running engagement ads right now   Change can feel frustrating, but it can be one of the best things to happen to your business! Part of being an online course creator is navigating roadblocks; there will always be an 'IOS' or an obstacle to face, and going in with a positive mindset is vital. You're going to get through this; it'll make you stronger, more creative, and a savvier entrepreneur.    I'm here to support and encourage you however I can and help you get through this with a smile on your face!   Click here to tune into this week's episode of The Shine Show.   XXX Salome   P.S Jump over to my Instagram and let me know one small thing you can do today to win at ads & navigate the IOS changes!

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How do I make money online? How do I quit my job and work from home? How do I launch a profitable online course? How do I use Facebook and Instagram ads to grow a business around the needs of my family? How do I scale my online business with Facebook ads? Welcome to The Shine Show, where your host, Salome Schillack will give you the inspiration, the strategies and all the "here's what's working now" you need to start, grow and scale your online business. Week after week you'll get episodes that will help you increase your reach, launch your online courses and grow your business predictably and profitably so that you can create more freedom and more wealth for you and your family. Ready to make an even bigger impact in the world? Hit subscribe and start listening now.