02. How To Get Started With Facebook Ads Without Wasting Your Money

The Launch Lounge Podcast - A podcast by Salome Schillack


I asked my social media followers to tell me what their biggest fear is around getting started with Facebook ads. 

Like a 1990’s boy band, they all harmoniously agreed that it is not knowing how to get started without wasting money. 

On today’s episode, I will help you know exactly 

  • what type of ad to start with when you’re just starting out
  • How much money to spend on that ad
  • How to know if it’s working or not
  • What you definitely do not want to do when you’re just starting out with Facebook ads
  • One surprising thing about running Facebook ads for list building that even experienced launchers need to know


When you’ve listened to the show, send me a DM on Instagram and tell me what you’re going to do to get started with Facebook and Instagram ads to put your list building efforts on autopilot.


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Links mentioned in this episode

3 Types of Facebook Ads Every Course Creator Needs

[link to follow]


The List Builder’s Complete Checklist for Setting Up Facebook and Instagram Ads Faster



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