01. Welcome to The Shine Show

The Launch Lounge Podcast - A podcast by Salome Schillack


Welcome to Episode 1 of The Shine Show!!

I’m absolutely thrilled that you’ve chosen to tune in today and that you’re spending this time with me. So, thank you!

I believe that we need to change the way that women work. When I had my two girls, I felt trapped in the thought that my only options, if I wanted to earn money, were to work for a boss or not work at all. 

In this episode, I will share with you a bit more about why I chose to create my own online business and why the freedom I found in having an online business motivates me every day to create the same freedom for others. 

You’ll also discover more about the content we will cover in future episodes which include but is not limited to:

  • How To Get Started With Facebook Ads Without Wasting Your Money - Episode 2
  • Everything You Need to Build Your Email List Faster With Facebook Ads - Episode 3
  • How to find more of your ideal clients with precision targeting on Facebook and Instagram
  • The 10 most important questions to ask yourself when you plan a digital course launch
  • How to create a winning mindset so that you can live your life filled with joy and inspiration and make a difference to other people
  • Interviews with inspiring and super smart online marketers who are doing amazing things to scale their businesses and impact more people. 


All this and more!

Tune in to today’s episode and find out about the first version of The Shine Show and why I could smell my guest’s breath the last time I did the show.

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When you subscribe and review the podcast not only does that give me the warm and fuzzies all over, it also helps other people to find the show. When other people find the show they get to learn how to create more freedom in their lives from their online courses too!! So do a good deed for all womenkind and subscribe and review this show and I will reward you with a shout out on the show!!

Links mentioned in this episode

That embarrassing video I don’t want you to watch



A past episode of The Shine Show Version 1 for your entertainment



The List Builder’s Complete Checklist for Setting Up Facebook and Instagram Ads Faster


Visit the podcast's native language site