Menopause Magic: How to Reclaim your Power and Potential

The Secret Witch Show - A podcast by Nicole Barton - Tuesdays

On the Secret Witch Show today our guest is Alexandra Pope.  Alexandra and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer are the co-founders of Red School, authors of the Hay House books Wild Power and the soon to be released Wise Power: Discover the Liberating Power of Menopause to Awaken Authority, Purpose and Belonging. They spent over 10,000 hours researching and refining their radical new approach to health, creativity, leadership and spiritual life. And the best bit? It's rooted in the bloody, wild, radical power of the menstrual cycle and menopause.  Their new book - Wise Power: Discover the Liberating Power of Menopause to Awaken Authority, Purpose and Belonging, is being released on 20th September 2022. In this magical episode, Alexandra and Nicole explore menopause as a powerful initiatory portal for reclaiming power and the potential of our souls, diving into the Wise Woman archetype and how it is an especially potent one for the Witch, as well as how we can reframe the cultural narrative around menopause to rediscover its hidden medicinal gifts.  Whilst this episode is framed around the menopause, it’s really one full of gold for any woman to listen to, because it is really all about the power of initiation into soul.     What You’ll Learn from this Episode:   The menopause is ultimately an initiation that awakens the power within us; and really, it is a descent into soul. That means it isn’t all smooth-sailing because - unless you’ve done the deep work to connect to your Wise Woman via the power of your cycle, which makes it a smoother ride, like Alexandra had - descents to soul aren’t all rosy There becomes a clear “No”, along with an opening to your deeper calling, often, at menopause - where you are being called deeper into your power - into a deeper purpose that is asking you to listen, and it becomes time to trust your body and its wisdom. Often women can experience this the same way via the initiation of the Wise Woman - who can be initiated earlier, via illness like Chronic Fatigue, or some other deeper calling - where we learn deep lessons about listening to our bodies and their deep wisdom.   Menopause can kick us in the ass as a right of passage - it demands from us that we meet oursleves - and the invitation is to allow ourselves to be touched and moved - to not be in victim to our bodies, but to make a deeper choice to make something meaningful from the sensations.  We have to trust that there’s something wanting to come through us, and drop out egoic agenda and trust the work of soul It is often seen as a problem in our culture.  It can feel like we have been broken open in this initiation, but if we harness and trust our power there, it is so worth it.  It opens us to incredible magic. Practically, we have to support ourselves through this initiation by tending our nervous systems, our bodies, allowing our rage to express and celebrating ourselves and the magic that is unfolding. Ultimately, it is all a death and rebirth - as who our soul came to express as. That’s the real magic of the menopause.   Resources and things that we spoke about:   Pre-order Wise Power  Red School’s Website Red School’s Instagram : Lara Briden - Hormone Repair Manual Susan Weed - New Menopausal Years   Invoke your Feminine Mystery     Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know! If you loved it, there’s a fresh episode every other week - subscribe so you don’t miss it! Thank you,   Nicole xox