How Wild Woman Intimacy & Pleasure can Unlock Your Life

The Secret Witch Show - A podcast by Nicole Barton - Tuesdays

On the Secret Witch Show today is Michaela Boehm.  Michaela travels and teaches internationally as an expert in intimacy, relationship and sexuality. A gifted speaker and counselor, her unique body of work centers around the intersection of intimacy and embodiment. Her work with celebrity couples has been featured in international print publications, TV programs and online talk shows, including Netflix Series [UN] WELL and Love, Sex and Goop.  Michaela is author of The Wild Woman’s Way and creator of The Non-Linear Movement Method®, a somatic release modality which utilizes principles of trauma therapy, polyvagal theory and movement for nervous system regulation.    In this episode we dive into how the Wild Woman archetype helps us more fully understand the power of the Witch, exploring the role of pleasure in magical life-creation and understanding ways to unlock pleasure via intimacy and embodiment, and the importance of polarity in relationship. What You’ll Learn from this Episode:   The Wild Woman Archetype is a hugely important aspect of the Witch - centred around the deep connection we have to nature and our bodies and the rhythms and cycles in both In the past, our intuition was valued as a survival tool - it is a natural genius of our body, felt through our sensual perception Sensual perception is not a requirement in today’s society, but it is crucial that we choose it if we want to create pleasurable, juicy, alive-feeling, magical lives Pleasure is our birthright - but we have to choose it and be devoted to it - bringing our five senses alive through practices of awareness - firstly cultivating background pleasure and then being able to receive external pleasure There may be trauma hidden in our bodies that needs cleansing - and we can trust our wisdom to know how to release this Non-linear movement is the best route to cleansing and reconnecting to our bodies - which is movement that is unorganised - for example, free form movement or dancing Pleasure is different and unique for everyone - and Michaela’s book offers some excellent hacks for how we can integrate pleasure into our lives in simple, easy ways. Polarity is important in relationships to create deeper intimacy and pleasure - and this simply means we need “opposites” - one person to Go, and one person to Flow.   Resources and things that we spoke about:   Michaela’s 12 Facets of the Feminine -  Sex, Love and Goop -  Will Smith book - Chapter 19, Surrender, by Michaela Boehm -    Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know!    If you loved it, there’s a fresh episode every other week - subscribe so you don’t miss it!   Thank you,   Nicole xox