How To Work with the Ancient Technology of Dreams for Healing

The Secret Witch Show - A podcast by Nicole Barton - Tuesdays

On the Secret Witch Show today our guest is Dean Bentley. Dean is a mentor, story teller, soul worker, and walker of the underworld. His mission is to bring light into the dark, allowing others to transverse the depth of their own soul to bring forth their unique medicine. He helps people turn their pain into art; in the process, rewriting the old stories of their life so that they may live powerfully, purposely, and pleasurably. He gives rise to a new collective story of what is possible.   In this episode we explored the importance of soul work - of the descent into returning to our bodies - and how dream work is a really valuable ‘way in’ to that reclamation of soul.  We dived into some mind-blowing truth about how the dreamworld is a portal to soul - how our dreams are already showing us where to look to reclaim our soul’s wholeness and heal - if only we would choose to look. What You’ll Learn from this Episode: Healing is a journey of coming back into the body - of pulling things down into the world - which is important, because trauma is held in our bodies - and we need to move it though, to heal; it takes a journey down into the body to do that There can be a temptation to bypass that because of the fear - by numbing ourselves with food, drugs, alcohol, work or wheatever our guilty pleasure is - and even spiritual forms of ascension which have us only see the ‘oneness’ of life, when really it’s a co-creation, can be a form of numbing The ‘Dreamworld’ is a portal to our soul, where we can start to work with the symbolic themes that are being reflected to us - dreams are like Archetypal guides that are there to reflect what is unconscious and wanting to be seen If we aren’t choosing to do the work to uncover what’s unconscious, in effect, our dreams are doing that for us at night - and we can either choose to look there, or not If we do choose to look there, and work with our dreams more consciously there’s so much healing of the patterns that have been held there unconsciously - Dean shares more on how to do this in the episode.   Resources and Things that We Spoke About: Dean’s Instagram: @thedeanbentley  Secret Witch Social: Tiktok - @archetypalapothecary Instagram - @iamnicolebarton Instagram - @archetypalapothecary You Tube - Join our Secret Witch Society:  Website:  Our upcoming crucible Rosa: Sign up to Dean’s mailing list: Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know.   If you loved it, there’s a fresh episode every other week - subscribe so you don’t miss it!   Thank you, Nicole and Team Secret Witch xox