How to Use Your Body's Sensations as a Compass for Life

The Secret Witch Show - A podcast by Nicole Barton - Tuesdays

On the Secret Witch Show today I vulnerably freestyle on the topic of how to use our body’s sensations as a compass for life.  I had in mind to talk about desires in this episode, but had an unexpected change as I shared from the heart on what was present for me about how it is necessary to go into our darkness to find our gold and express our Soul’s truth.     In this episode I illuminate how without honouring the sensations we experience in our darkness, we can’t begin to fully feel the sensations of Soulful aliveness.  I explore how there is always a price to pay for either ignoring our bodies calls or diving into them to feel them fully - and how the benefits of diving in far outweigh the suppression of sensation we are used to in our modern culture.  Finally, I invite you into the deepest unconditional love of your body - in all its sensation, and to harness it as a powerful and wise messenger.   What You’ll Learn from this Episode:   It is a huge part of magical women’s journeys to suppress and numb their body’s sensations in this culture - and yet, we have the choice to choose out of that in order to create a magical life.   Through the magical lens, sensation is a powerful messenger, and we can learn to communicate with our bodies and harness their wisdom to heal - we are our own medicine To fully feel the aliveness of Soul we must be willing to give ourselves permission to really descend into our darkness to alchemise it into gold; that can be inconvenient and messy and painful - we can have to deal with feelings of pain, shame, guilt and fear - but it’s also the only path worth walking if we desire to live a magical life Only when we are willing to descend - even if we take it very softly and gently - can we be fully living our truth and able to shine our light into the world Often, our gold is found in the depths of our wounds - and that can be so beneficial for others and allow them to heal and alchemise too, so your darkness is a gift for the world.   Resources and things that we spoke about:   Invoke Your Medicine Woman -  Manifesting with the Moon - free monthly circle -  Books -  The Heroine’s Journey - Maureen Murdoch Wild Feminine - Tami Lynn Kent Waking the Tiger - Peter Levine   Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know!    If you loved it, there’s a fresh episode every other week - subscribe so you don’t miss it!   Thank you,   Nicole xox