How to Tune into Your Inner Medicine Woman

The Secret Witch Show - A podcast by Nicole Barton - Tuesdays

In today’s episode I am delighted to be freestyling on the topic of how to tune into your inner Medicine Woman.  Medicine Woman is a powerful aspect of the Witch Archetype, and I explore what’s possible for you if you invoke her.   In this episode I explore who Medicine Woman is, what her wounds and fears are, and how her healing gifts of wisdom, intuition and alchemising darkness into gold can be medicine not only for yourselves but your gift for the world.  This episode brings this powerful archetype alive for you, offering a practical embodiment practice if you truly long to choose to devote yourself to tuning into your inner Medicine Woman.   What You’ll Learn from this Episode:   Medicine Woman is a powerful healing aspect of the Witch Archetype; a Divine Feminine Soul guide who offers us a lens to explore the healing oracle we really are. Medicine Woman helps us more deeply descend into our bodies - she rips off the plasters and has us look deeply into our wounds, in order to consciously choose to heal them.  She is the ultimate alchemist. But she’s not *just* about healing - she is an Archetype that, if we choose to embody her and own our power - instead of being a victim to our healing - can really help us to step into the power and magic of the Witch Queen in order to begin to see our capacity to create all of life.   Medicine Woman not only initiates us into our own healing, but her alchemy of our wounds helps us see our own medicine for the world. She helps us begin to see how we can be of deeper service in our gifts to the world. I wouldn’t be where I am - guiding magical ones - without her. It can be scary to initiate her, but ultimately, if she calls to us, we can’t walk the path of Soul without her.  The choice is yours - what will you decide? One of the first easy steps you can take - if you answer her call - is to devote yourself to a practice of tuning into your body and letting it be your guide - for 10 minutes each morning.  If she’s calling you deeper, though, perhaps it’s time to reach out to Nicole to see if there is a space left in Invoke Your Medicine Woman, next week. Resources and things that we spoke about:   Invoke your Medicine Woman Crucible -  Lucy H Pearce - Medicine Woman -  Join our Sisterhood -    Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know!    If you loved it, there’s a fresh episode every other week - subscribe so you don’t miss it!   Thank you,   Nicole xox