How to step off the Drama Triangle to embody your power as a healer

The Secret Witch Show - A podcast by Nicole Barton - Tuesdays

In this unique, ‘experiential’ episode, Nicole mixes up the format, sharing the signs we are being called into our power as a healer, hosting a little bit of a ‘workshop’ around the ‘Drama Triangle’ to help you illuminate the 3 ways you might be leaking your power (because Secret Witches often innocently misuse their power to create drama).  She explores how Archetypal Aurum (the essence of ‘Gold’, and universal symbol of ‘power’) can help, guiding you in a ritualistic and ceremonial journey with Aurum’s Archetypal Remedy to help you begin to activate and reclaim your inner Feminine soft-power, to become a healer.  Disclaimer: there’s healing activation in this one - listen only if you’re ready!   What You’ll Learn from this Episode:   There are some key wounds we struggle with as aspiring healers - and this is a normal part of the journey of becoming a healer - one of those wounds we need to heal is reclaiming our power Often we have missed our initiation into Feminine power - which traditionally happened at first bleed, in ancient times - and along with that, we don’t get to choose into being an adult woman This leaves us trapped on the Drama Triangle as a little girl in a woman’s body, never knowing our power to choose ‘off’ the triangle and create from Feminine soft-power - or womb wisdom and our heart-led, soul-led truth Self-illumination is key to that initiation - and in particular, self-illuminating where we are on the ‘Drama Triangle’ - i.e. in ‘victim, persecutor or rescuer’ - holds gold to be reclaimed in honestly looking here The power centre of women is in our hearts and wombs - only we often don’t let those Feminine power-centres lead; because we are used to a ‘Masculine powered’ way of being - and in that way, we armour up When we learn to love our little girl and enter an initiation to reclaim our Feminine soft-power, that’s when we can step off the Drama Triangle, and become the healers we were born to be - also having improved relationships, and living magical lives, all round.   Resources and Things that We Spoke About:   Social: Tiktok - @archetypalapothecary Instagram - @iamnicolebarton Instagram - @archetypalapothecary You Tube - Join our Secret Witch Society:  Next Crucible: There's one opening for a 1:1 client-  Website:  Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know.   If you loved it, there’s a fresh episode every other week - subscribe so you don’t miss it!   Thank you, Nicole and Team Secret Witch xox