How To Navigate Imposter Syndrome Around Your Spiritual Gifts

The Secret Witch Show - A podcast by Nicole Barton - Tuesdays

On the Secret Witch Show today, Nicole is freestyling on the topic of Imposter Syndrome - the one block that often has aspiring Feminine spiritual leaders procrastinating and distracting from their gifts.  She explores the deeper ancestral wounds beyond not believing that success is deserved or created from your own skills.   In this episode we dive into why we can’t judge our worth on other people, why the deep work to heal Imposter Syndrome is in cultivating our own worthiness, and how we can choose to expand into our spiritual gifts - and approach that expansion like yin yoga for our business!   What You’ll Learn from this Episode: Imposter syndrome is a block that all aspiring spiritual leaders hit up against - you are not alone in feeling you aren’t ‘enough’ for your spiritual gift; this is the one block that has women struggling to take aligned-action in creating a purpose-led business  It’s also a manifestation of a deeper Ancestral wound - the Witch Wound - what underlies it is fear of your power, magic or full expression. The good thing is that it is not your ‘tools’ that are your gifts - so you don’t have to worry about perfecting those.  AND that also means it is YOU that is the gift - your story of transformation is the real medicine, so the real way to heal Imposter Syndrome is the inner work on your deeper wounds. We cannot judge our worth, our success, our skills, or our spiritual gifts on other people - we can only show up and serve to our best capacity, coming from love and truth. Instead, the work is to hold the sensation and cultivate our own worthiness - like yin yoga - by descending into holding the tension of our deeper fears and loving ourselves with them, and also connecting to spirit and expanding into our full expression - I offered some practical enquiries and practices for this in the episode.   Resources and Things that We Spoke About:   Instagram: @iamnicolebarton Instagram: @archetypalapothecary  TikTok: @teamsecretwitch  Facebook: Nicole Barton  Private Facebook Group: Secret Witch Society  Website: - check out our other episodes Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know.   If you loved it, there’s a fresh episode every other week - subscribe so you don’t miss it!   Thank you, Nicole and Team Secret Witch xox