How to Lead from Feminine Softpower: with Humanity, Heart and Wisdom

The Secret Witch Show - A podcast by Nicole Barton - Tuesdays

On the Secret Witch Show today our guest is Elizabeth Lovius. Elizabeth Lovius is a Changemaker and Leadership Mentor who teaches how to live and lead from ‘Softpower’. She offers people the headspace to have fresh insight, let wisdom lead and cultivate a culture for humans; all of which helps leaders navigate and lead real change. She is an international speaker, author, award-winning trainer and social entrepreneur, and for over 25 years, she has worked across most business sectors and discovered that what really works in any business is the capacity of the leaders to understand the human factor; what makes us all tick. She develops leaders grounded in clarity, collaboration, creativity and confidence. In this episode Elizabeth and Nicole explore what we mean by “Softpower” - and its difference to “Hard power”, begin to get a feel for the Feminine energetic of Softpower, with heart-led leadership, understand why the Feminine has to lead, and the importance of Divine Union (i.e. equality) - and begin to understand the practical embodiment of this energetic for women who want to become magical leaders by becoming their remedy in the world.   What You’ll Learn from this Episode: We can learn a lot from the power of Archetypes (or Remedy Personalities) - which activate truth in us, that wants to be heard - for example, Elizabeth’s discovery of herself as the ‘Natural Romantic,’ instead of the Masculine led her to her deeper purpose and wisdom to wake people up to the value of Softpower (which women especially lead from). The Masculine is New York City - big thrusting things that point up. The Feminine is like the Earth - it holds the thing that’s thrusting; the things that hold aren’t visible, yet everything is birthed in it. Goals are only part of the story; the Feminine is interested in the deeper heart-led purpose of what nourishes the Earth - and serves the whole. There can be a deep resistance and rebellion to the Masculine - and we must honour that because ancestrally that fear of the Shadow Masculine is inbuilt into our cells - but we are actually here to create Union - there’s an opportunity to rethink our relationship with the Masculine The Masculine is ultimately here to honour the Feminine’s soul desires - a bit like the Queen’s Funeral, which went without a hitch due to order, structure and everyone submitting to that, as the goal was in deep service to the Death of a Queen - the Ultimate Feminine - and it was her desires that were being provided for fully by the Masculine We are only used to the Masculine expression of power which can make us forget that the Feminine holds power too - it’s just that often power shows up in shadow. Masculine and Feminine energetics each have gifts - the Masculine’s are Clarity and Confidence, and the Feminine’s are Connection and Creating - and they each have their own shadows, too - all of which are showing us where we can heal and become the healthy expression of our Softpower. Resources and things that we spoke about: Elizabeth’s Website Elizabeth’s Model: Softpower model A Womans’s Worth Poem Follow Elizabeth’s work and sign-up to her newsletter Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know. If you loved it, there’s a fresh episode every other week - subscribe so you don’t miss it! Thank you,   Nicole xox