How to Know what Your Gifts Are

The Secret Witch Show - A podcast by Nicole Barton - Tuesdays

In today’s episode I am delighted to be freestyling on the magical topic of how to know what your gifts are.  Discovering our gifts is one of those things that is often approached purely by looking into the light; and yet, I share on why it is crucial to descend into the darkness of shadow to fully know our gifts intimately.   In this episode I explore why we must go into the dark to reclaim our gold, to discover our gifts from our wounds, the importance of shadow work in making our gifts conscious, and how to alchemise our shadows so that we are fully expressing and embodying our Soul - i.e. the gifts we came here to be. What You’ll Learn from this Episode:   Today’s episode was filled with goosebumps.  Here are my takeaways:   We must be willing to go into the darkness to find our gold.  As we do, we discover our gifts in our wounds. Shadow work is all about making the unconscious conscious - as we engage with our shadow, it reveals our gifts so that we can choose into expanding and embodying the fullness of our Soul There’s a difference between processing our wounds and alchemising them - alchemising them means we transform them into gold Archetypes offer us a powerful mirror to be able to find out gifts - working with the Witch is helpful to find our gold in our wounds  We are often tempted to work in our Zone of Excellence, rather than our Zone of Genius - which is really the Zone of our Soul.  Really our deepest gifts are in Soul - we must really be asking the question: who did I come here to be? Resources and things that we spoke about:   Secret Witch Circle- Facebook Group Invoke your Wild Creatrix Manifesting with the Moon  Gene Keys - Richard Rudd  Human Design (HD Profile)  Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know!    If you loved it, there’s a fresh episode every other week - subscribe so you don’t miss it!   Thank you,        Nicole xox