How to Harness Our Wounded Feelings as Alchemists

The Secret Witch Show - A podcast by Nicole Barton - Tuesdays

In today’s episode I am delighted to be freestyling on the important conversation about why our wounds are “not just a thought” - and how we can harness our wounded feelings as alchemists.  This is something that often understandably comes up as resistance for many women who have come to this path from the path of ascension.   In this episode I explore my own path into Soul as the next breadcrumb from my 3P journey, sharing how valuable Spiritual ascension can be when in co-creation with Soul, as well as explaining how we can heal our wounds and discover our gold from within them - the unique gifts that make us medicine for the world. What You’ll Learn from this Episode:   Walking an Ascension path is incredibly valuable for us to come to deeply know that we are part of a greater natural intelligence - whether God, Divinity, Spirit, Love, Nature or whatever your label is for that And still, there is a deeper breadcrumb to follow to expand into the wholeness of who you are - in order to become the fullness of your Soul  When we dismiss our thoughts as illusions we simultaneously push them into shadow, making them unconscious - and from there they indirectly rule our lives without us knowing Instead, if we look directly at them, with love, and allow ourselves to fully *feel* our wounds deeply in our bodies, we can choose to alchemise them from shadow and liberate them; and this allows us to discover and step more fully into the unique gifts our Soul came here to be If we ignore our wounds, we also ignore our bodies, our desires and our gifts - and we can only create a magical life by looking here.  This is the path of a Witch Queen, who consciously chooses to go into the darkness and alchemise it into her gold - and she does this in co-creation between Spirit and Soul We can alchemise our shadow by Opening, Devoting to choosing a new way, and Noticing it as the first step into choosing to change it Epigenetics explains why our wounds are literally in our DNA - and therefore in our cells, passed down from our ancestors - and how dismissing this as ‘just thought’ is not as helpful, and how we have the capacity to change it We literally came here to experience the wounding we have - so that we could become our medicine for the rest of the world.  Will you choose to be yours?   Resources and things that we spoke about:   Are you called to Invoke your Wild Creatrix?: Come and join our Sisterhood:   Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know!    If you loved it, there’s a fresh episode every other week - subscribe so you don’t miss it!   Thank you,   Nicole xox