How to Fully Embody and Express your Powerful Magical Energy

The Secret Witch Show - A podcast by Nicole Barton - Tuesdays

In today’s episode I am delighted to be freestyling on a topic that encompasses the whole path of the Secret Witch - i.e. How to Embody and Express Your Powerful, Magical Energy.  There are often challenges that arise as magical women begin to walk this path and so, as I couldn’t fit how to walk the whole path into one episode, I explored some of the ways we experience these challenges so that you can have the courage and vulnerability to keep walking.   In this episode I explore the difference between Embodying and Expressing who we are, sharing the power of seeing the Witch as an energetic rather than logical and linear.  I share the common challenges that come up on this path so that you can feel how normal they are so you can keep choosing to embody and express your powerful, magical energy.  This episode calls you deeper into your devotion to the fullness of your Soul. What You’ll Learn from this Episode:   Embodiment and expression are so important and whilst it isn’t linear embodiment is generally first, and expression comes after, for example, we embody the Witch archetype and then we are able to express her into the world. Embodying and expressing the Witch’s powerful, magical energy is the work of this path - it’s not a logical or linear - we are in the work of embodying an energetic - it’s an invitation into truth The Witch has lots of aspects - she is a powerful Creatrix, Medicine Woman, Wild Woman, Wise Woman, Feminine Lover and Earthkeeper.  The work is to discover and embody these different aspects that resonate with you, that call to your Soul, as a way of becoming who you really are. There are lots of challenges to embodying and expressing your Soul’s fullness - from fear, resistance, uncertainty, the unknown, unconscious shadow, material for liberation and resistance to ‘doing’ more - and I dive into these to help you choose more consciously to keep walking and devoting to the path. The path of Soul isn’t easy - and it’s not for everyone, but if you want to embody and express your power and magic, it is likely for you.  It calls for your loving devotion and choice and following of the next breadcrumb.  The real question is, will you keep walking?   Resources and things that we spoke about:   Medicine Woman -  Secret Witch Circle - FB group -    Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know!    If you loved it, there’s a fresh episode every other week - subscribe so you don’t miss it!   Thank you,   Nicole xox