How to Embrace the Power of the Divine Feminine

The Secret Witch Show - A podcast by Nicole Barton - Tuesdays

On the Secret Witch Show today we have Mariana Louis.  Mariana is a tarot reader, scholar, and writer from New York City. She is the creator of Persephone's Sister, a platform for spiritual education and magical guidance, blending depth psychology, sacred feminism, and witchcraft. She works both with one-on-one clients as an intuitive reader, and leads community seminars and circles for soulful deepening and learning. She is also a lover of the poetry of Rilke, the music of Hildegard von Bingen, and the sweetness of her husband and kitty familiars.   In this episode, we explore the Divine Feminine and Her Archetypes as a mirror for our lives, illuminating the role of the Divine Feminine in our capacity for creating magical lives - and understanding how we can embrace the Feminine lens to liberate our wounds and harness our own personal power - as well as sharing some practical tips!    What You’ll Learn from this Episode:   The Divine Feminine lens and archetypes are really a powerful mirrors that we can use to make sense of our experiences in life - there are so many different powerful stories within us that we can resonate with to learn more about our experience of life.   Our wounds - even our simple day to day dramas - are pointing us to dive deeper into exploring where we are expressing different archetypes - and archetypes can be a really powerful tool to illuminate the wounds we have and begin to reclaim our power Often our wounds are pointing us to what needs to be illuminated and freed - e.g. our old stories about the Masculine are ready to be seen and liberated for us to move into new ways of being with our Feminine The word ‘power’ can conjure up images of masculinity, but our Feminine power is felt as a quiet, pure Sovereignty - a power from love - and a great archetype that represents this is the Black Madonna.   It is important when looking at the Divine Feminine that we also balance the Divine Masculine - a really interesting lens is that the feminine is felt in the body and represents the soul, and the masculine is representative of as Spirit - and life is a beautiful co-creation of the two We can harness the Divine Feminine practically in our lives in ways such as using our words more consciously - e.g. using the word Goddess instead of God, lighting a candle to be shown more about our complexity, and being more embodied.  It’s about finding your own unique expression of the Feminine.   Resources and things that we spoke about:   Mariana’s Website:  Mariana’s Seminars: IG:  YouTube:  Books: Dancing in the Flames - The Dark Goddess in the Transformation of Consciousness - Marion Woodman Coming Home to Myself - Marion Woodman and Jill Mellick  When God Was a Woman - Merlin Stone Goddesses in Everywoman - Jean Bolan The Spiral Dance - Starhawk The Queen’s Code - Alison Armstrong   Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know!    If you loved it, there’s a fresh episode every other week - subscribe so you don’t miss it!   Thank you,       Nicole xox