How to discover the hidden underlying patterns causing your body's symptoms

The Secret Witch Show - A podcast by Nicole Barton - Tuesdays

On the Secret Witch Show today, Nicole is diving into the worldview that our body’s physical sensations and symptoms are revealing hidden, underlying patterns that want to be loved for deep self-healing.  She explores the common lenses that contribute to this ‘holistic health’ worldview, sharing her own embodied journey and experiences with what she has been guided to see by her body’s wisdom that has allowed her to heal herself and powerfully reclaim her soul path as a healer, teacher and guide.   In this episode Nicole explores how to take responsibility for your own healing, by listening to your body’s deeper wisdom, sharing the core elements required to self-illuminate your unconscious patterns and begin to manifest health (and your heart’s deep desires) - and how the body is really guiding you into your soul’s deeper plan as a healer.   What You’ll Learn from this Episode:   The holistic worldview of the body is one that widely accepts that there are ‘hidden patterns’ under our body’s symptoms; right from the early days, Louise Hay illuminated that - and yet, often this wisdom is still often journeyed with from a ‘quick fix’ perspective Our physical symptoms or sensations are usually calling us into some form of ‘initiation’ - they’re an invitation into seeing what we need to feel, heal or reveal and owning our power to do so (and that can feel like a lot of responsibility at first, but it’s so worth it) Self-illumination is how we discover those patterns - we have to open to the journey of hearing our bodies, love ourselves enough to have the courage to go there (amidst the fear), embody our power and go into the body to truly listen; all of our Archetypal Remedies help women do this What’s also key is understanding the *true* laws of manifestation - so often these are related to as if we have to make a wish and ask the universe to provide something; yet the truth is, we are already creating health, just largely *unconsciously*.  This is usually the reason we have physical symptoms - because we have been creating what we *don’t* want, without knowing, based on wounding.  Healing is making that process conscious, so we can create differently by healing that wounding   We each came here with a ‘soul plan’ - a group of remedies to live out, if you like, with set physical manifestations and patterns - and the work we do in this path of mapping out our soul path, with Archetypal Remedies, helps us to reveal where our healing is, because each of them holds a mirror to our particular patterning of health (including physicals) For example, Archetypal Phosphorus - which is our typical listener - is the energy of the substance on the end of a match.  Phosphoric women tend to physically burn out because they are wildly sensitive, like fire, which illuminates how we need to honour our sensitivity.  Burn out equals the manifestation of the deeper underlying pattern of not honouring our sensitivity.   Resources and Things that We Spoke About:   Social: Tiktok - @archetypalapothecary Instagram - @iamnicolebarton Instagram - @archetypalapothecary You Tube - Join our Secret Witch Society:  Website:  Books mentioned: Louise Hay, Heal Your Life Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know.   If you loved it, there’s a fresh episode every other week - subscribe so you don’t miss it!   Thank you, Nicole and Team Secret Witch xox