How to Connect with the Sacred to Create an Enchanted Life

The Secret Witch Show - A podcast by Nicole Barton - Tuesdays

My guest today is spiritual pioneer, Phyllis Curott. Phyllis is an attorney, writer and one of America’s first public Witches. Her five international best-selling books have been published in 14 languages, making her the most widely published Wiccan author. An outspoken advocate in the courts and media, she handled or consulted on groundbreaking cases securing the legal rights of Witches. New York Magazine has called her teaching on Witchcraft the culture’s “next big idea” and Time Magazine has published her as one of America’s leading thinkers. Phyllis continues to write, teach, and lecture internationally on the embodied spiritual wisdom of Mother Earth, Nature’s “secret magic” and why the world needs its Witches.   In this episode we dived into why the world needs Witches, exploring the importance of the Sacred and how to connect to spirit more deeply to create a magical life - as well as understanding how we can practically harness energy to manifest magic in the world.   What You’ll Learn from this Episode:   This show was such a delight - Phylis is one powerful woman. My takeaways are: We all get tapped on the shoulder by Spirit (aka the Sacred) at at some point - the question is whether we are paying attention and whether we are willing to turn around a look at that The world is full of magic. We know that when we're children were playing in it and participating in it - but often we lose that sense, so we need to reconnect to it The word Wicca means “wise one” - a “seer of the Sacred” - this is one who knows the Spirit world and knows that Spirit is embodied in creation In the modern revival of Witchcraft, there are very patriarchal ideas that the Divine is someplace else - it’s all about Spirit, rather than Spirit embodied - the reason the world needs her Witches is because everyone has the gift of sight, but we’re also here to embody it in this world. Spirit takes form through life and creation - that’s how you make magic - you bring the flow of energy into form. We are connected to everything - and we can discover that by going out into the wild - into nature. And that’s where you’ll drop back into your heart - which is the best place to create from. The best thing to do is ask: “what do I need to know?” And to create from there   Resources and things that we spoke about:   Phyllis’ Website Phyllis’ Facebook Phyllis’ Instagram Phyllis’ Twitter Phyllis’ YouTube   Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know! If you loved it, there’s a fresh episode every other week - subscribe so you don’t miss it! Thank you,     Nicole xox