How to Connect and Create with Fairies, Mermaids and Unicorns

The Secret Witch Show - A podcast by Nicole Barton - Tuesdays

On the Secret Witch Show today is Fairy, Mermaid and Unicorn Whisperer, Karen Kay.  Karen’s work is in connecting to the elemental realms to bring through ancient wisdom from fairies, mermaids and unicorns into our human realm. A passionate nature lover, her friendship with the fairies began as a young child in her grandmother’s garden, where she used to collect rose petals to make perfume for the flower fairies. She is related to renowned fairy poet and author, Walter De La Mare. Her connection with the mer-folk started when she first moved to Cornwall in the late 1980’s – She felt an overwhelming sense of coming “home” and was drawn to the ocean, where she used to sketch mermaids and mermen.   She’s a Hay House author with two oracle decks, Messages from the Mermaids and Oracle of the Fairies. She organises events including the 3 Wishes Fairy Festival and the Glastonbury and Tintagel Fairy Balls and Fairy Markets.  She's a columnist for Soul & Spirit magazine, and is also the founder of FAE and Mermaids Magazines.    In this show we dive into not only how we can connect and create with the Elementals (fairies, mermaids and unicorns), but also how to embrace living our wild alchemy as our unique selves.  At the end, Karen also pulls some cards for our listeners, and shares a gorgeous Fairy Manifestation Meditation.   What You’ll Learn from this Episode: Working with the elementals isn’t just about taking from them - our soul work is to be in the deepest of service to the universe, and that is done through a glorious co-creation between the elementals and our own personal soul will Manifestation is a co-creation between our personal soul will and the universe, but elementals will always come in to help if it is soul aligned for them to do so and if we are meant to co-create with them! “Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it” comes to mind as a phrase to sum up this conversation; we have to be open otherwise we can’t connect deeper to both ourselves and the elementals We are sensitive beings and that is actually a Superpower, not a bad thing - we are not too much - this sensitivity is gold which allows us to really listen into our bodies, which are magical portals into ourselves and send us signals to let us know intuitively what in on the path of soul We must tune in and trust our inner knowing, even if it means standing apart from the crowd to be true to yourself - we must not be afraid to walk our own path and stand in our own light because we’ll attract other like-minded souls We really must choose into living to our truth - it’s our conscious choice - it’s not always an easy path and there are often sacrifices we must be willing to let go of, but the rewards are bountiful.  Taking the leap of faith comes with huge rewards - doors open that we can’t expect. Once we leap off the cliff, it opens us up to what is in alignment for us - even if that feels really deeply scary and against what others desire.  This requires radical love and approval of ourselves. Sometimes living our truth can feel scary and uncomfortable, but sometimes we must honour that and face our fears anyway - we can only do this consciously by illuminating whether the fear or discomfort is something that authentic *or* something that will take us deeper into our path of expansion, even if it feels scary. We can create magic by focusing on magic and deciding it to life, rather than the mundane things in life. We are all dreaming our lives via our visions.    Resources and things that we spoke about: Karen’s Website and Meditations -  Karen’t Instagram -  Oracle of the Fairies - Hay House -  Messages from the Mermaid oracle cards - Hay House -  Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what you think of this week’s episode, so please let us know!  If you loved it, there’s a fresh episode every week - subscribe so you don’t miss it! Thank you,     Nicole xox