How to Build a Magical Healing Soul Business

The Secret Witch Show - A podcast by Nicole Barton - Tuesdays

On the Secret Witch Show today, Nicole is diving into how to build a magical, healing soul business.  She explores how the key to creating a real magical business is doing the deep work to discover and *become* your unique remedy - firstly for yourself, and (only) then for others - in a Feminine way that honours the way magic truly works. In this episode Nicole explores how most magical ones have collective ‘Witch Wound’ fears to heal in order to birth a truly soul-aligned business into the world - and why it’s important to focus on loving ‘alchemy’ of our ‘core wounds’ into gold (instead of ‘fixing’).  She shared how this alchemy of our wounds helps us know our ‘niche’ (if we’re being all ‘mainstream’ about it) - and that this is the most powerful way to create a healing business that is truly in service of deep, conscious and intentional magical healing.   What You’ll Learn from this Episode:   Phosphoric Secret Witches (who have a burning fire in their bellies to be healers) often feel a deep call to be healers, whilst also feeling #allthefears about creating a business from it. This often leaves them offering their medicine in a mundanely-packaged box to make it more palatable to the mainstream - which doesn’t have them create much success To fully heal that, we need to heal our Collective Witch Wounds - the wounds of self-expression that are having us hide who our souls really are, watering down our remedy (in case you’re chased out the village with pitchforks for being magical) It is fundamental to building a magical healing soul business that we firstly do the deep soul work to know our true purpose - to discover, heal and alchemise the Unique Remedy we came here to be - our deepest wound is actually our niche (if we do the work to heal it for ourselves first)  This process is the energetic work that underlies the ‘Archetypal Apothecary’ path. It is  magical, Feminine Witch work - the work of mystery and magic - rather than logical, linear work - though magical ones often tend to have looked externally for all the tools (both healing and business) before arriving at this deep inner work It’s not an easy path to walk, which is why it requires the inner fire that Phosphoric Secret Witches tend to have - the passion (even if it’s hidden) and a vision to truly liberate their Secret Witch and become their Phosphoric remedy in the world - but you have to choose it. Resources and things that we spoke about: Let’s Talk Feminine Soul and Money Blog Nicole’s next Invoke your Wild Apothecary Crucible Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know. If you loved it, there’s a fresh episode every other week - subscribe so you don’t miss it! Thank you,   Nicole xox