How and Why Your Doubt of Magic is a Sign You're a Magical One

The Secret Witch Show - A podcast by Nicole Barton - Tuesdays

On the Secret Witch Show today, Nicole dives into how and why women’s doubt of magic is a common sign they may be a Magical One. She explores the typical journey of a Phosphoric Witch, in alignment with her new philosophy of the Remedies of the Wild, dosing healing for all the magical ones who are scared of being their magical medicine. In this magical episode, Nicole shares the common place her women begin their journeys, the deep, open-hearted, sensitivity and the layers of trauma from living in the linear mundane world that have magical ones armour up, instead of believe in magic, and talks to the magic vs science debate and how the fact that science hasn’t yet explained magic doesn’t mean it isn’t real.     What You’ll Learn from this Episode:   Only true Magical Ones suppress and feel a deep resistance to magic, because it wouldn’t even occur to them, if it wasn’t in their field. Likewise, we can only notice that something is missing because it was there in the first place, so if you’re feeling you miss magic, it’s likely it was there always there. Magical, Phosphoric women are so deeply sensitive and open that when they come across the criticism of magic from the mundane world, they often immediately shut it down, armour up and close off to their souls - which results in them denying magic This is one of the great paradoxes of being a Magical One - that in the early phases, we have to learn to both love magic and also be ok with not always loving it due to our trauma responses and fear The conditioning to deny magic and choose and favour logic - which underlies their armour - is actually a trauma response to the Phosphoric woman’s fear of her sensitivity and openness. There are lots of things that can layer over a Magical One’s core and stop her believing in her magic. The deep work is to love ourselves in that. Science is wonderful - AND - like everything, has a point where it isn’t all the everything. Science by its very nature is here to try and explain the unexplainable, so magic is everything that science has not yet explained. There is always doubt in magic for magical ones, and ultimately, you have a choice: you can continue to live as you are in logic and control (and in the mundane world) - or, you can follow your deep, burning fire and passion, and grant yourself permission to be magical. This isn’t easy work, but it’s well worth it to be who your soul came here to be.   Resources and things that we spoke about:   Join our Invoke your Wild Apothecary crucible to learn to invoke the Remedies of the Wild Join us in the Secret Witch Circle sisterhood on Facebook   Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know! If you loved it, there’s a fresh episode every other week - subscribe so you don’t miss it! Thank you,   Nicole xox