89 | Helping Writers Get Repped, The Personal Logline, Taking Meetings, and More w/ Joey Tuccio
The Screenwriting Life with Meg LeFauve and Lorien McKenna - A podcast by Meg LeFauve & Lorien McKenna

For Joey Tucccio, the founder of Roadmap Writers, "you're a human first, and a writer second." Excelling at your craft has as much to do with your understanding of yourself as it does with your writing, and Joey goes DEEP on all of that, today! FOR MORE ON ROADMAP WRITERS: https://www.roadmapwriters.com/ TO SEE JEFF'S MOVIE: Click the link below and look for Block EEEE (The movie is called, ALWAYS, LOLA) https://marinadelreyfilmfestival.ticketspice.com/2022-marina-del-rey-film-festival DATE: Wednesday, June 22, 7:30PM – 9:00PM PDT ADDRESS: Cinemark 18 and XD 6081 Center Dr., Los Angeles, CA 90045