121 - The CONFUSING world of STRINGS - Part 2

With so much attention put on our instruments and amps, and even pedals, many bass players are quick to underestimate the importance of their strings. But your strings are the only thing between you and your bass guitar, so make them count! In today’s episode Ian focuses on the finer points of all things flatwound.In this episodeAre there advantages to using flatwound strings?When did they become cool?What are tapewound strings? And what are they for?Some of the more famous players who use flats.And much more!

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If you’re a bassist — you’re in the right place. Join Scott Devine and Ian Allison from SBL as they dissect every aspect to being a bass player - professional or hobbyist - from basses and gear hacks, to musicianship and gig tips, all the way to mental health and what the future might hold for the music industry.