Aleister Crowley, Magick and phenomena

Marco Visconti author and lifelong student and practitioner of the Western Esoteric Tradition discusses all things Crowley and Magick. Marco who specialises in the Western Esoteric Tradition at large, with a particular interest in Thelema and Crowleyana and teaches the basis of Thelema and Esoteric Freemasonry to a wider public outside the bonds of oaths and secrets. UPCOMING BOOK: MAGICK WITHOUT TEARS: WEBSITE: Twitter  

Om Podcasten

Documenting the reported and unreported strange occurrences in Scotland. We will delve into the strange stories kept within families or a close circle of friends, bring them to the light of day, research past cases, witness interviews, discussion, and on-site recordings when possible. You will hear anything paranormal from, ufo’s/uap’s, alien abduction, cryptids, folklore, entities, ghosts, spirituality, and high strangeness. Join us and contribute with your accounts at [email protected]