The Science of Hate Mongering- Is Donald Trump's Hate Contagious?

On Science Revolution this week - The impact of the Pandemic on Trump's refusal To acknowledge science or join the WHO backed vaccine cooperation pact. It's harming Americans as Trump brings the "con" into the pandemic. Dr. Bandy Lee is here on the science of hate mongering- Is Donald Trump's hate contagious? Eli Zupnik drops by about another broken promise on Trump's drug pricing promise, as, the August 24th deadline comes and goes. Plus, Kevin Patel is here on the pollution from wildfires.

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The Science Revolution is about science that matters and brings revolutionary ways of thinking about science. We cover the science important to the world as well as to our everyday lives. You will learn how an entire spectrum of scientific disciplines meaningfully impacts your life and our world. From climate change to neuroscience to physics and medicine - and sometimes the politics & religion that tie them to us all - this podcast will entertain and deeply inform you. Science comes alive in The Science Revolution with Thom Hartmann.