124: The Future of the Jamaica Rum GI with Christopher Gentles, GM of the Spirits Pool Association

The Rumcast - A podcast by Will Hoekenga and John Gulla


Did you know you can support The Rumcast on Patreon now and get bonus episodes, happy hours, and more? You can! Head to patreon.com/therumcast to check it out. In this episode we get an inside look at the status and future of the Jamaica Rum GI (Geographic Indicator) with Christopher Gentles, general manager of the organization championing the GI (and doing other interesting things), Jamaica's Spirits Pool Association. If you're a fan of Jamaican rum, this interview is a must-listen. We discuss: National Rums of Jamaica's legal challenge to the GI What rum enthusiasts can expect to happen next Why the GI is important to Jamaican rum The debates over aging at origin and adding sugar Creating a tasting panel for Jamaican rum marks The evolution of the Jamaican rum category in recent years And much more! Note: After the recording of this episode, the Jamaica Gleaner reported that National Rums of Jamaica has accused other producers of Jamaican rum involved in the GI of anti-competitive practices and sought help from the Jamaica Fair Trading Commission: https://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/business/20250112/update-rum-fight-goes-fair-trading-commission If you want a deeper look at the Jamaica Rum GI, check out these articles: Jamaica Observer: Court battle over ‘Jamaica rum’ unfortunate, says Jimmy Lawrence; NRJ argues litigation necessary as JIPO erred in GI designation - https://www.jamaicaobserver.com/2024/11/27/court-battle-jamaica-rum-unfortunate-says-jimmy-lawrencenrj-argues-litigation-necessary-jipo-erred-gi-designation/ The Gleaner: New GI rum rules bar aging outside of Jamaica - https://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/business/20241009/new-gi-rum-rules-bar-ageing-outside-jamaica Rum Wonk: Jamaica's Rum GI Changes - Overview and Analysis - https://www.rumwonk.com/p/jamaicas-rum-gi-changes-overview Rum Revelations: Jamaica GI Rumblings with a French Twist - https://www.rumrevelations.com/post/jamaica-rum-gi-rumblings-with-a-french-twist

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