The Innovation Stack with Jim McKelvey

The Remarkable Leadership Podcast - A podcast by The Kevin Eikenberry Group


If only. If only I had years of experience. If only I had the credentials. Jim McKelvey believes if we wait for the right moment to do things, the important things won’t get done. Jim is the co-founder of Square (which was inducted into the Museum of Modern Art in 2011) and author of The Innovation Stack: Building an Unbeatable Business One Crazy Idea at a Time. He shares the inspiration for his book and why he thinks the important stuff that we do are things that have not been done before. Jim recognizes most of the work done is a replicate of previous work. We take knowledge and go. This works (sometimes even great), it just doesn’t create anything new. However, when we work through solving a problem and keep solving the problems, wonderful things can happen, and the innovation evolves.

In this episode, Jim talks about 1. Moving through ideas, even with restrictions. 2. Components of the Innovation Stack. 3. The importance of a checklist.

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