Answering Life's Great Question with Tom Rath
The Remarkable Leadership Podcast - A podcast by The Kevin Eikenberry Group
How can you build as much life into the time that you have? Tom Rath thought about this as he was writing his latest book, Life’s Great Question: Discover How You Best Contribute to the World. Tom is also the author of How Full is Your Bucket StrengthFinders 2.0 and recently co-founded a publishing company. He told Kevin looking at your strengths is a good starting point for personal reflection. The challenge becomes how you put your strengths into the world. Tom asks us to think about how we contribute to our teams because that may be far more effective than talent. He discusses the Contribify model and explains that when we work with our teams and set expectations of how each of us will contribute, we will have greater success.
In this episode, Tom shares 1. Contribify Model. 2. Level setting contributions and remote teams. 3. Advice to leaders about questions and listening.
This episode is brought to you by...
13 Days to Remarkable Leadership, a free leadership video series based on Kevin's book, Remarkable Leadership.
Additional Leadership Resources
- Book Recommendations:
- Connect with Tom Rath:
Website | Twitter | Contribify | Silicon Guild
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